University of Mary 63rd Commencement Ceremonies are April 27


Bishop Kagan 和 戴尔Ahlquist to receive honorary doctorate degrees, 维特主教将在毕业典礼上致辞


俾斯麦,ND — On Saturday, April 27, MG冰球突破试玩将颁发 degrees to 1059 2024年毕业典礼上的毕业生. 仪式在下午2:30开始.m. in the Bismarck Event Center, Seventh Street 和 Front Avenue, Bismarck.

Founded 和 sponsored by the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery of Bismarck, MG冰球突破试玩将颁发 584 学士学位, 334 硕士学位及 141 博士学位. 这些学生来自 45 国家代表 14 国家.

六十七年 获得优等生称号 92 获得了优等生称号 152 学生们获得了优等生称号. 此外, 21 students have earned the Certified Schafer Leader designation from the Harold Schafer Emerging Leaders Academy, 和 79 students are recognized as 全年校园 graduates for fulfilling their degree in 2.5年.

The 2024 commencement is a ceremony of firsts for Mary: the first students to earn certificates in sacred music; the first students graduating with a Master of Science in Bioethics who went through the new undergraduate concentration; 和 the first graduate from the new Saint Teresa of Calcutta 社区 for Mothers.


——大卫·丹尼斯·卡根博士.D., P.A., J.C.L.


大卫·卡根主教 was born in Waukegan, 伊利诺斯州, on November 9, 1949, 和 grew up in Spring Grove. He holds a BA in Philosophy from Loras College in Dubuque, 爱荷华州, 以及机顶盒, 神圣神学硕士学位, 以及教会法的执照, 都来自罗马的教皇格里高利大学. 卡根主教于1975年被任命为牧师. 他在罗克福德教区任职, 伊利诺斯州, 在几个教区, 作为副牧师和牧师. He has served as chaplain for Maria Linden 和 for the Poor Clare Colettines in Rockford. He has been director of the Office of Communication 和 of Vianney Oaks Retirement 首页. 
Bishop Kagan was named a Prelate of Honor of His Holiness 和 received the title of monsignor in 1994. He was admitted to the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem as a Knight Comm和er in 1995. 2011年7月, he was invested in the Ferraiolo of a Prelate to signify his elevation to the title of Protonotary Apostolic Supernumerary of the Supreme Pontiff, 主教的最高荣誉是什么. 
Bishop Kagan became the seventh Bishop of Bismarck in 2011. In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI named Bishop Kagan apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Fargo. Bishop Kagan began a three-year term on the Board of Governors in St. 2014年,密苏里州路易斯. He also currently serves as a member of the Bishops’ Committee for Ecumenical 和 Interreligious Affairs 和 the Bishop’s representative to the Roman 天主教-Evangelical Dialogue. 

戴尔Ahlquist is president of the Society of Gilbert Keith 切斯特顿, creator 和 host of the EWTN series “G.K. 切斯特顿: The Apostle of Common Sense,” 和 Publisher of 吉尔伯特杂志. 他是六本书的作者,编辑了十四本书. He is a Senior Fellow of the 切斯特顿 Library at London 和 has been called “probably the greatest living authority on the life 和 work of G.K. 切斯特顿.”

Mr. Ahlquist has given more than 900 lectures at universities, 会议, 以及其他机构, 包括耶鲁大学, 哥伦比亚, 康奈尔大学, 巴黎圣母院, 牛津大学, 罗马的梵蒂冈论坛, 以及伦敦的上议院.

他也是切斯特顿学院的联合创始人, 霍普金斯一所顶级的天主教古典高中, 明尼苏达州, which is the flagship of the growing 切斯特顿 学校 Network. 该网络包括美国近60所高中.S.美国、加拿大、意大利、伊拉克和塞拉利昂.


奥斯汀·维特主教 出生在纽约州的林顿.D.1967年9月13日. After graduation, he attended North Dakota State University 和 Cardinal Muench Seminary in Fargo, N.D. After receiving his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Philosophy, he studied at the Pontifical North American College 和 the University of St. 托马斯·阿奎那在意大利罗马. 

Bishop Vetter was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Bismarck in 1993. His first assignment was serving as Parochial Vicar at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit 和 he taught religion at St. Mary’s Central High School in Bismarck from 1994 to 1999. 在北达科他州,他担任圣. 圣路易斯市中心的马丁天主教堂. 圣迪金森的帕特里克教堂. Leo the Great in Minot, 和 as Rector of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Bismarck.

2004年至2007年, he was an adjunct faculty member for the Institute for Priestly Formation at Creighton University in Omaha, 内. In the Diocese of Bismarck, he served on the Presbyteral Council, Priest Personnel Board. 他是教区的牧师, 主教的司仪, 及神职人员继续教育主任. He served as Director of Spiritual Formation at the Pontifical North American College in 罗马, 意大利, from July 2012 through June 2018 和 most recently as Rector of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Bismarck.

In 2019, he was announced as Pope Francis’ choice to serve as Bishop of the Diocese of Helena. He was ordained 和 installed as Helena’s 11th Bishop by Archbishop Alex和er Sample, 波特兰大主教, 11月20日, 2019.

The 2024 University of Mary graduation ceremonies can be viewed through live streaming at:


Anyone who wishes to learn more about the University of Mary can do so at 或与招生代表联系,或致电(701)355-8030. The University of Mary is one of only 15 Recommended Cardinal Newman Society Residential Colleges 和 Universities in the US.

关于MG冰球突破试玩: True to its motto “lumen vitae”—The Light of Life—the University of Mary offers education for the whole of life through cutting-edge professional programs 和 graduate programs animated by moral courage 和 leadership in chosen professions 和 service to the community. 一个私人, 天主教男女同校机构, the University of Mary welcomes students of all faiths 和 backgrounds.

一个基督徒, 天主教, Benedictine institution founded in 1959 by the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, MG冰球突破试玩提供近60个学士学位, 18岁硕士, 和 five doctoral programs—in Business Administration, 教育, 护理实践, 职业治疗和物理治疗. The 20-sport Athletic Department adheres to its Greatness Through Virtue mission under the governance of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 美国大学曲棍球协会, 和 美国大学粘土靶联赛. 有3个以上,800名学生, MG冰球突破试玩在北达科他州设有办事处, 蒙大拿, 亚利桑那州, 罗马, 意大利, 以及充满活力的在线服务.
